Rett Syndrome Awareness

Rett Syndrome Awareness Month

October is Rett Syndrome Awareness Month across the world. It's a time when communities come together to raise awareness about this rare neurological disorder. Throughout the month, various events, fundraisers, and educational campaigns are organized to support research and provide resources for families impacted by Rett Syndrome. Educating the public and fostering a supportive community, we can help improve the lives of those living with Rett Syndrome and bring us closer to finding a cure.

October Events

Ride or Stride for Rett Syndrome Walk

The Ride or Stride for Rett Syndrome Walk & Family BBQ began in October 2019. Following its initial successful event, the pandemic struck, halting activities for two years. Since then, we have adapted by arranging a smaller group walk and inviting families and friends to join us for a meal afterward, all to kick off Rett Syndrome Awareness Month.

pRETTy awesome Initiative

Started in May 2024 and launched October 1, 2024, the pRETTy awesome. initiative is the brainchild of two Manitoba moms (Trish & Sharon) who are both Manitoba Rett Syndrome board members. They believe that families, friends, and caregivers can help individuals with Rett syndrome flourish, raise awareness and drive research progress. Together, they believe we can build a world that honours and empowers individuals with Rett syndrome to achieve their utmost potential.

“This initiative aims to spark conversations and raise awareness of the awesome individuals impacted by Rett syndrome. This condition presents rare and complex challenges, yet individuals living with Rett syndrome are much more than their diagnosis. They are defined by their many abilities beyond their disabilities. We encourage everyone to learn about Rett syndrome, and more importantly, to truly see, hear and celebrate those living with the condition, honouring their unique qualities, aspirations, struggles and triumphs.”

We are excited to have the Rett Syndrome Society of British Columbia, the Rett Syndrome Society of Alberta, and the Saskatchewan Rett Syndrome Association all join us in its initial launch. pRETTy awesome, is sponsored by Acadia Pharmaceutical Canada.

Light Canada Purple

Every year on October 29th, a nationwide grassroots campaign raises awareness for Rett syndrome. Landmarks are lit up in purple, the colour representing Rett syndrome awareness, to demonstrate solidarity and share a message of hope and resilience.

This initiative, which was initially launched in October 2021 by the Ontario Rett Syndrome Association, quickly gained popularity, drawing attention from families, community members, and businesses alike. O.R.S.A. now partners with various Rett organizations throughout Canada, including those in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Quebec, to support the #LightCanadaPurple campaign.

A few of many notable landmarks across Canada that have participated in this initiative include the CN Tower, Niagara Falls, Esplanade Riel Footbridge, SaskTel Centre, High Level Bridge, S.S. Klondike, and BC Place.