Most people have never heard of Ret syndrome. But some might know a girl that lives in their neighborhood and shows strange neighborhood and shows strange ...
A small head size and it grows at a slow rate. Loss of ability to use hands to pick n hold objects. Inability to speak or only speak few words.
Rett syndrome is a rare genetic or hereditary neurodevelopment disorder noted almost exclusively in girls, since the disorder is often fatal in boys..
It is caused by a mutation of the MeCP2 gene located on the X chromosome. It affects one in every 10,000 female births.
The Canadian Rett syndrome registry is a national database for individuals diagnosed with Rett syndrome....
Researchers studying Rett syndrome need good information to understand how the disease affects people. The registry is a critical step that will...
At present, the diagnosis of Rett Syndrome depends upon documentation of a girl's early growth and development and continuing...
Researchers studying Rett syndrome need good information to understand how the disease affects people. The registry is a critical step that will....
Rett Syndrome Resources comprises the direct website links to the resources sites within and outside Manitoba. This includes ....